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Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Do You Like Who You're Becoming?

 "Change is the only constant in life" - a very famous philosopher (Greek, if I'm not mistaken)

I think this philosopher was going somewhere with this. He/She is right. Change happens all around us, all the time. Weather, culture, job, relationship... even we change! Our worldview changes, hobbies, partners, and even our bodies. 

As we are at the half-year mark of 2021 (I know. I can't believe it either), I can't help but wonder what I've achieved for the past 6 months and what I would like to accomplish before the year ends. Sometimes, it is helpful to stop and evaluate and see which direction we are heading. And so, with that in mind, I have a question for you today (and for myself too, if I'm being completely honest) :

Do you like the person you are becoming? 

Because there are 3 possible outcomes to change:

1) it is getting better

2) it is getting worse

3) or the change is neutral 

So, we are either becoming more like the people we want to be, or less. Because if we are moving further and further from the person we want to be, it is wise to notice that as soon as possible so that some corrections can be made.

Of course, this isn't always an easy question to answer. In most cases, it's not as simple as a "yes" or "no". We may look at our trajectory and be proud of some of the changes, but regret others. There's always going to be pros and cons. 

*We may be excelling at work but becoming more demanding and less kind along the way. 

*We may be losing weight but becoming more proud and vain on appearances.

When put in such scenario, when it comes down to the heart of the matter, do I like the person I am becoming? 

I have been reflecting lately, and here's what I have learned: 

1) If you are not happy with the person you are becoming, you can always change. NOBODY can ever take away your right to change. Positive change is ALWAYS possible because YOU are the only person who gets to decide who you are going to become. 

2) It is never too late to change. Sure, the best time for a positive change may have been yesterday or ten years ago, but the second best time is right now. If you're still living, you've got time to change. No matter how much time we have left, we can always set an example. 

3) People are remembered most for who they were, not what they accomplished. If the accomplishment you are trying to pursue is resulting in negative changes, remind yourself that who you are is more important. The people who know you best will always remember you for your values and character more than your personal achievements. 

So, with that said, may we all be changing for the better. 

Thursday, 31 December 2020

10 Highlights of 2020

 This year has been... different... to say the very least. 

When the first lockdown happened back in Mar/Apr, I was certain that nothing good would come out the year anymore. I was already having a very tough time dealing with everything that was happening around me and lockdown didn't make things easier. 

Like everyone and everywhere in the world, I was forced to spend more time with myself. I was forced to be in isolation. I was forced to live life very differently. My routine and my life changed immensely. I didn't know how to adapt to things that quickly. I didn't know how to appreciate my extra time off. I was forced to learn all these new things. 

While all of that sounds scary, it was also an adventure. 2020 has been a roller coaster for everyone. However, in such difficult times, I am grateful that I still have my amazing jobs. I am thankful that my friends and family and myself are safe. A lot of people say that 2020 is bad news. While it is quite true, but there are some good things that came out of this. 

Our earth was taking time to heal from all sorts of pollution. Some are fortunate enough to spend more time with loved ones. Some are fortunate enough to work from the comfort of their own homes.

On the not so fortunate note, some lost their jobs. Some lost their businesses. Some lost their families/loved ones. It's a heartbreaking year, I'm not going to lie. I've lost people too this year.

However, as I was pondering on all the events that took place for the past 12 months, I've managed to think of 10 highlights for this year. 

1. I was fortunate enough to appear on TV twice

2. I conducted and assisted my first ever NLP course back in September

3. At this age, I was certain that it would be more difficult to make new friends but I've managed to meet 2 amazing people

4. I got to nurture my current friendships 

5. I managed to cut off toxic people, people who claim that I am their girl friend, babe, best friend, etc...

6. I know this is probably an awful thing to say but I got out of a turbulent relationship. Don't get me wrong, no love was lost there. No hate whatsoever. It was just time. And in a weird way, I feel like I've gotten a part of myself back

7. After months of consideration, I finally accepted that I was the problem of my financial status. Because ever since lockdown, I've managed to save money and live comfortably for the rest of the year

8. One great thing about lockdown is I've finally taken my workout seriously and so, managed to lose some weight and build muscles

9. I got to see my family twice this year which was amazing because normally, it's once a year. And because of the pandemic, we communicate on FaceTime more often. I love that

10. In a very long time, I've finally put me first. No relationships, nothing. It's just me. I took time off to read, learn new recipes, glow up for myself, not for anyone else

In other words, I've managed to learn more about myself this year. I've gone through tough times mostly alone. I came out of the situations stronger. So, no matter what happens in the next year, tough times don't last forever. You'll get through this. We will all get through this together. 

Happy New Year, everyone! Stay safe x

Sunday, 13 December 2020

10 Things To Do This December

2020 has been very different, to say the least. To be quite honest, I can't even believe we're in December already. It's kind of weird, because the month of March, April and May felt like 5 years. Then October came along and time just started flying by again. Next thing you know, here we are. I really hope all of you are doing well. 

This post is obviously 13 days too late but I'm still going to write about it anyway. Sometimes, things just happen so quickly and life just happens. So, I guess this post is kind of like a reminder for everyone, including myself. 

Since this December is quite different from most of the Decembers we've had, here are just some of the things I've come up with and have done since December 1st 2020. 

1. Try out some DIYs Christmas decorations or any kind of DIYs that tickle your fancy and get creative at home with the family/friends/partner. (Trust me, I was never into DIYs but decided to give it a go this festive month with the influence of my friend and it was honestly really fun!)

2. Make a budget and stick to it. (Before December even came, I told all of my friends and family members not to look for me for leisure activities and eating outdoors in January because I will be broke and I will be sad. So, I decided to make a budget instead so that I do not have to be fat, miserable, broke and unproductive next month)

3. Make your home as cozy as possible (while having Christmas music in the background just to get you going. Even if you live alone - like me - I'd still love to come home to a cozy, Christmassy looking home at the end of the day. It's a good jump start for the new year anyway. So, why not?)

4. Exercise when you have the time and when you can because it's going to be a food roller coaster this month (whether you are trying to gain weight or lose weight, don't neglect your body. Sweat it out when you get the time!)

5. Spend time with loved ones - friends, family, people elsewhere - via Zoom or phone calls. (I never get the time to really sit down and catch up with people who are close to me. So I've been setting some time aside for all my loved ones. Always check up on them when you can especially during these tough times)

6. Buy and reward yourself something you've wanted since the start of the year or since forever ago (because let's be honest, you freakin' deserve it! All of us do for making it this far!)

7. Write down 2 things you are grateful for everyday (because it's so easy to take life for granted while things are happening so quickly. Small things like "I witnessed a beautiful sunset this evening" or "I had a lovely meal with my friends today" are often taken for granted. So, 5 minutes each day to think about 2 good things that happened that day and you'll realized how blessed you are!)

8. Take some time to reminisce what has happened throughout the year and take some time to think about what goals you want to achieve next year following the new norm (trust me, it's harder than it seems but it's always nice to think about your goals or set your goals)

9. Greet people with a smile because come on, it's the most wonderful time of the year (My personal mission has always been to make one person smile a day since 3 years ago. So why not do it this festive season?)

10. Look back at your resolutions and see which one you can still achieve (for me, I wanted to read 10 books this year and I finally crossed that one out after reading 3 books last month)

Happy December, everyone! Stay safe x