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Thursday, 30 May 2019


Whenever it comes to Gawai celebration, most Sarawakians who celebrate this festival will normally look forward to 5 things.

1. The long holiday they get to take
2. Getting to reunite with family members and old friends
3. Various type of food to look forward to
4. People who are of age, DRINKING of course
5. Celebrating and forgetting the day and time for a few days

Each and every one of these points have their own factors. So, imagine this. We are happy about these 5 things. And in these 5 things, there are minor things to be happy about too. It's like a celebration on its own. Here's what I mean.

1. The long holiday Sarawakians get to take

Normally, students will have about 1 week off from school, that means parents do not have to wake up extra early to send their children to school and some working adults would even take a couple of extra days off to celebrate

2. Getting to reunite with family members and old friends

As mentioned, since it's holiday time, children get to hang out with their friends. Meanwhile, if families are travelling back to their hometown, they get to meet up with their cousins and other family members they rarely have the chance to see. Also, it's a celebration when most working adults come back to their hometown to visit their friends and family

3. Various type of food to look forward to

I've been to many places, but I have to say, my grandmother cooks the best bamboo chicken in the world. And whenever I can, I would always help her out with the dish when I visit. But as mentioned, different parts of the country have different types of food. It's always nice to go back and indulge in some lovely dishes you've been craving for over a few months.

4. People who are of age, DRINKING of course

Drinking is always a way to get the mood going whether you just want to unwind and talk your stress away to a friend or a family member. Not only that, some of the greatest moments are created when everyone lightens up and communicate. Nevertheless, it is always important to drink responsibly.

However, we are all aware of illicit alcohol - especially during festive celebrations. Sure, many would say "Why not? It's cheaper!" but when you wake up the next day with a massive headache that feels like you've just been hit in the head with a hammer, it's really not worth it. So, the next time you are getting some beer to enjoy, make sure what you're drinking is legit!

How do you identify a legit Heineken®, Tiger, Guinness, Anchor, Apple Fox Cider, or Strongbow? Check out this easy 4-step identification process by Heineken Malaysia Berhad:

So, this Gawai holiday, or hereon out, in fact, please drink responsibly, know what you're consuming for the sake of your health, okay?

HEINEKEN Malaysia, is even a part of the drive to promote responsible consumption through its brands, its platform Drink Sensibly and also in alliance with others.


*HEINEKEN Malaysia is also providing Grab vouchers worth RM10 during Gawai and Kaamatan in Sabah! Just use the Grab promo code DrinkSensibly to enjoy a RM10 discount on your Grab fare when travelling to and from your favourite party locations. The DrinkSensibly promo code is available for redemption in Sabah and Sarawak between 4pm to 4am until 2 June 2019.*

5. Celebrating and forgetting the day and time for a few days 

Of course, this mostly involves the working adults who are drinking. It is okay to celebrate till late night, heck, even late mornings, it is a holiday, after all, BUT remember to do it responsibly

Happy Kaamatan and Happy Gawai! x

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